Category: Hair growth

1 2 3 4 5 8 60 / 141 POSTS
It will not be enough to feed dry hair only from the outside. Of course, the hair has a close relationship with the food consumed. For this reason, wh [...]
The best way to grow your hair faster is to eat food that feed your scalp, make it healthier and fresh and helps your hair be stronger.These food [...]
Chebe powder is a hair care secret handmade by Chad Basara Arad women in Africa. The length of Basara women's hair reaches their waist, and they have [...]
Before using different materials to grow our hair, we need to know why our hair does not grow fast. Maybe you will not even need the masks you will us [...]
Washing our hair every day often feels like chore. But we have to do this every day, especially in the summer. While our hair gets so dirty, do you of [...]
What you probably see most when reading hair extension articles is hair care oils. These oils not only lengthen your hair fast but also nourish your h [...]
Now we will share a cure that many women have tried and succeeded in hair extension. Perhaps most of you will hear this cure for the first time, but o [...]
Our hair dries up over time due to the processes we do. Unfortunately, we notice that our hair is dry. We need to protect our hair before it loses moi [...]
Do you know that Oriental women only use rice water when washing their hair? Sometimes most women don't even use shampoo. We also read the benefits of [...]
Rice water is one of the best and organic way to protect your hair and make it grow faster. If you want to have long hair in a short time, rice water [...]
With the keratin packs you can buy on the internet, you can do keratin care for your hair at home. So, what are the steps of keratin care at home? 1. [...]
We use different chemicals and hot hair styling tools for every reputation to straighten your hair and give it a beautiful shape. In this way, we wear [...]
In the past, when we had our hair cut we were waiting for our hair to grow longer. Sometimes it took a few months, sometimes a year of magic. Now, the [...]
If your hair is worn and there is no turning back, you should have your hair cut from the broken places. You can live with short hair for a while, but [...]
Jojoba oil was rich in vitamins A, B and E. It also contains some substances such as zinc and silicon. You have many reasons to use jojoba oil, here a [...]
There are so many factors that cause our hair to dry out, we are not even aware of some of them. However, when we know these factors, we should know t [...]
Most of the time, we do not take proper care of our hair. We notice this when our hair starts to wear out. What if we don't notice? Here are the sympt [...]
It is very difficult to cope with fluffy hair. Every day at least 1 hour passes by styling your hair. We will minimize this time for you. Follow these [...]
Would you like to grow your hair much faster then you should try one of these natural products. 1. Onion juice - Sulfur in the content of onion will [...]
Most women complain that their hair does not grow any longer. Polluted air, stress, chemicals and many other factors turn hair growth balance upside d [...]
1 2 3 4 5 8 60 / 141 POSTS