What is the best hair style of the summer? The short hair category can get fascinating pixie and shaved cuts to enhance their status. The short hair cuts are very easy to handle and it looks tidy over the head. Therefore, the women may not provide a huge time to set their hair. They can get ready for office, parties and other events easily.
Shaved spring-summer:
The black women can stop to grow their hair anymore, because they may get hundreds of shaved spring summer style in the era. The attractive shaved styles look phenomenon. It has corporate hair cut, funky cut, model cut, celeb cut, highlights and color for the black women. In the decade short hair style has became a trend and in 2016 the shaved cuts are hopping up mostly. Some innovative color on the shaved cuts has a great outlook. The modern Afro patterns belong to the category as well.
Pixie cuts:
The cute pixie style of Rihana became highly popular in past days. Now, the designers have been extended the pixie cut and included a new get-up. Some short pixie style with silver boxes can be your choice of the spring. You can wear leather jacket, lean jeans and high black shoes to justify the style. The pixie style with such dress segments can afford a Tom Boy look to the black women. If you don’t like to be feminine, then try for such style. It has a bold and seductive attitude.
How wide is it?
The style would look perfect with black leather jacket, off shoulder gowns, overcoats and any other dresses. It has a large range to hold the trendy fashion wears. You can get attractive color on the entire hair or a part of it. Now, coloring a specific part is higher than entire hair color. Mostly, models and celebs are doing it. Therefore, the black women may choose such style to enhance their boldness.